Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Baby-grow toys

This was a fun but slightly nerve wracking project!
Charlotte's Molly (who I made the advent calendar for) has finally grown out of her first baby grows, and Charlotte asked me if we could make some things out of them.
We started off  with these mini cushions for Molly's cot made out of a couple of tops that had applique patterns on.
Here is the scrummy Molly modelling one of the tops...
And here they are as mini cushions. They have her name and date of birth embroidered on the back but I don't have a photo of that.
Charlotte was rather proud of her efforts :-)
Then she left me with a bag full of clothes and a wish list. She wanted a special toy of some sort made from her favourite new born baby grows.
Now I'm not usually worried about cutting stuff up, it doesn't bother me to cut up old books and sheet music (despite my housemate's attempts to stop me), but my friend's FAVOURITE new born baby clothes...? Even I was nervous...
Here goes....
I chose a pattern from MyFunnyBuddy on Etsy to make things a little easier.
And here he is - finished! Charlotte definitely liked him, and if dribbling all over your face and biting your ears is a sign of affection, then Molly liked him too :-)
And I still have a bag of clothes to make some more stuff from - watch this space...

Rosette Cake

Oops... looks like I forgot to post anything for like 3 months... and now when I think about it I don't know that I've made much, despite it being the summer holidays. Best get on it! After all there's only 4 months until Christmas!
So for Father's day I made this rosette cake for my dad, as he is getting a rather large collection on the rosette display board, in fact it's completely full up!
I think it turned out pretty well in the end, although perhaps I ought to work on my handwriting skills for next year... I hear it tasted alright too :-)