Sunday, 5 October 2014

Granny Square Baby Blanket

The granny square blanket is finished!
My aim for this summer holiday was to learn to crochet, and I think I achieved that. I've started with simple granny squares.
Here is my first one, so then I just needed another 29 more....
I decided to just make a small buggy blanket for Baby Moulers, as it was my first attempt.
After they were all made I crocheted them all together.
Then added a nice edge.
And then came my least favourite bit, sewing in all the row ends... there were hundreds! Next time I think I will do them as I go along... but it's all finished!!

I'm pretty pleased with it for a first attempt :-) hope Baby Moulers likes it!
I've already started on one for myself, but I think that will probably have to be put aside until all my Christmas presents are made.