Saturday 4 January 2014

House Doorstop

Today was my first make of 2014, in an attempt to combat the post Christmas blues.
All my beautiful Christmas decorations are packed away and back in the loft, so I needed something new and pretty in the house.
The door of my craft room constantly swings closed, which is annoying because I like to gradually spread out and take over the landing too.... so I needed a doorstop. I liked the idea of making a little house, and after a mock up which turned out a little on the large side, I managed to make a more sensible sized pattern.
I started by putting the window and door on the front panel with applique, then joined all the pieces together, added the flowers and lace, stuffed with hollowfibre filling and 1kg of split peas at the base to weigh it down.
It even has a garden.
I think perhaps the shape of the roof could do with a little work, and I need to work out a way of keeping the house a bit squarer when it's stuffed - this one looks a little rounded at the edges... but for a first attempt I'm pretty pleased.

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