Sunday 2 February 2014

Embroidery hoop clock

I made a couple of vinyl record clocks as Christmas presents, then I saw the idea of using embroidery hoops to make clocks. I made this sewing themed one for my craft room.
I used a 6 inch hoop which I picked up for about 10p at a craft group, and stuck some rather lush/expensive sewing pattern fabric that I found in John Lewis over it. I also stuck over some measuring tape ribbon. I bought a clock mechanism from eBay and fitted that into the centre, hung the scissor charm from the bottom and tightened the outside hoop around it. Voila. Simple but quite effective, I'm pleased with it at least!

Although even more of an achievement is the fact that my craft room is now tidy! It took me a lot longer to do that than it did to make the clock...
It has a floor again!


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